Antipasto di fegatini
Traditional meat antipasto recipe from the Teramo territory
Cut the livers in small size pieces. Fry onions (previously cut into slices and soaked in water) in oil on a low flame (traditionally lard was used), add a bit of white wine and a bit of water. Add the diced chili in vinegar at half cooking time (preferably the sweet pepper kind). Almost at the end of cooking time add a tablespoon of sugar to the liver (or more depending on taste). Toast the bread cut into triangles (or fry them as it the custom had it). Lay a little amount of the preparation on each piece of bread.
Ingredients (for 6 servings):
½ kg. chicken livers (or turkey), 1 big onion (or more depending on taste), 2 peppers in vinegar, 1 tablespoon sugar, ½ cup dry wine, salt, ground pepper (depending on taste), oil to taste.