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Sito ufficiale della Provincia di Teramo

Teramo Turismo

Portale Wine and Gastronomy Wine Taste analysis
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Taste analysis

Smell-Taste analysis is performed using the oral cavity and especially the taste buds, that allows us to recognize the four fundamental flavors: sweetness, saltiness, sourness and bitterness. Sweet tastes are sensed mostly on the tongue front, acid tastes are sensed on both right and left sides, salty tastes on the borders, bitter tastes on the back; the central part of the tongue senses also tactile feelings (as fizz)

The main parameters to be evaluated are:

* Softness, including the sugars, that means if the wine is dry, medium dry or sweet; alcohols determining the heat level sensed by the mouth, and poli-alcohols, determining the softness level sensed by the mouth (as when you eat a piece of butter).
* Hardness, including acidity, that is the freshness level sensed, tannins, an astringent feeling caused by the grape seeds or by wood passages, and mineral substances according to the flavorness level
* The balance between softness and hardness, if one overcomes the other;
* The Intensity of the flavors to the mouth;
* The persistence of flavours, depending on how long they stay in the mouth after drinking.
* The quality, classified as common, not fine, quite fine, fine and excellent.
* The wine body or structure
* The evolution point
* The harmony.

Teramo Turismo

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