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Pecorino Marcetto

Foto Anselmi Pecorino marcetto 

This creamy variety of pecorino is characterized by a very strong smell, a spicy flavour and a golden colour.

Its characteristics are due to the development of a fly grub called the Phiophila casei during the maturing period. Nowadays it is produced mostly within the inland of the Province of Teramo.

During the maturing period, when some serum is still present in the pecorino, when the rounds are not completely mature or there are cracks in the rinds, the rounds can be attacked by the dipteran  laying eggs in it.

The grubs then start growing thus producing a degradation of the proteins. The cheese becomes soft, creamy and spicy. Once the entire cheese has gone soft, the round is exposed to the air and wrapped up into white cloths to expel the grubs.

The cream is then put into earthenware pots to be consumed as it is or mixed with other cheese.

The reason for which there is a great demand for this product is that it has such a particular strong spicy flavour


Teramo Turismo

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