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Sito ufficiale della Provincia di Teramo

Teramo Turismo

Portale Cultural Heritage Churches St Sinforosa’s Church
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St Sinforosa’s Church

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The Parish of Our Lady of the Assumption - Saint Sinforosa - is a church of the first half of 1400. It has two beautiful small portals by Nicola da Penne (15th century). The lateral one is by the Venetian School and includes two sculptures, one of the Virgin and the other of the Archangel Gabriel. The other, the main portal, shows the Orsinis family crest.

Internally the church preserves two altars: a monumental one in Spanish-style realized in golden marble and spiral columns; another dedicated to the Tossicia’s patroness saint, here depicted in the central painting with her seven children.

Among the other treasured church’s artworks, there are two statues: one is a Madonna with Child (16th century) and the other a Madonna of Providence (15th century).

Teramo Turismo

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