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Teramo Turismo

Home Events Celebrations in honour of Santa Scolastica
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Celebrations in honour of Santa Scolastica

What Religious event, Tradizioni & folklore
When February
Where Corropoli
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Each year on the 10th of February in the small hamlet of Villa Garrulo a peculiar traditional rite is performed. Pregnant women, single women of marriageable age and young married couples walk to the country church dedicated to Santa Scolastica, patron of breast milk to drink water from the near “miraculous” fountain.

Once there, the nubile women walk three times around the church holding a stone and reciting devotional formulas.

Popular belief has it that the rite should help getting plentiful milk, a fertile and peaceful married life.

Water has always been a symbol of fecundity associated with the fertility of soil and men. The stone as aniconic symbol of divinity represents a link between heaven and earth and for this reason is considered to be therapeutic.

Teramo Turismo

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