Museum of Natural Science

Tipologia: Scientific
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Museo delle Scienze Naturali
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Direttore: Dott. Nicola Pandolfi Indirizzo: Contrada Colle Leone 34, Mosciano Sant'Angelo - Mosciano Sant'Angelo - 64023
Phone: +39.085.8061499
Fax: 085.8062564

The Museum consists of a scientific and didactic exhibition aiming at the popularization of Paleontology, Mineralogy and Meteoritics.

In this didactic centre it is possible to experience the multidisciplinary aspects and the close connexions between distant fields of human knowledge.

The historical continuity of life on our planet is illustrated in the paleontology section while the mineralogy section treasures samples of valid scientific quality.

This scientific itinerary finds its ideal conclusion in the presentation of the collection dedicated to meteorites which allows to understand what are the elements that connect terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments.


The Museum is set up inside the Astronomical Observatory of Colle Leone.

  • Photographic archive
  • Historical archive
  • Library
  • Didactic workshops
  • Guided tours
Orari e biglietti
Periodo Orario
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Every evening two tour for group of 30-40 person) Booking: Mobile +39.3402429851
1° tour: 22.00 / 2° tour: 23.00
Prezzo Condizione
€ 4.00
€ 3.00
Reduced price