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Teramo Turismo

Portale Cultural Heritage Archaeological sites Colle del Vento
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Colle del Vento

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The “megalithic walls”


The Italic settlement of Colle del Vento stretches over about 1200 sqm. within the Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga.

The archaeological excavations have allowed to dig up testimonies and materials dating back to the 4th-3rd centuries B.C.: tombs, burials and pieces of black-glaze ceramics, parts of burial vases, and common ceramics.

Right above Piano Vomano stand the “megalithic walls”, antique and monumental archaeological testimony. They are made of two stretches of polygonal walls; one of which is 28 metres wide and over 5 metres high. The stone blocks have various dimensions and are set along six rows. On the other hand very little has been conserved from the second structure. The stretches are about 10 metres long and are made of only two rows of blocks.

Within the perimeter of the fortification stands a rectangular building including a square structure. The rests found probably belonged to a podium structure including a mosaic pavement in its inside. This certainly recalls the structure of a small temple and it is possible that the celebration of a cult in this area would have been linked to the presence of the parish of San Martino which stood nearby in the late mediaeval period.

Inside the museum Museo dei Ciclopi di Piano Vomano, explicative pictures and panels illustrate the story of this important archaeological site.

Information taken from the Rete della Cultura Abruzzese - Regione Abruzzo (Sezione Siti Archeologici)

Teramo Turismo

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