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Official web site of the Province of Teramo

Teramo Turismo

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Events by category and associated month September

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Sport event (2)

Lido delle Rose Trophy

Europe's and maybe the world's oldest  Basketball trophy was first organized in 1945 following the conclusion of the Second World War and has hosted through ...

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Inter-regional mountain cycling race Teramo-Prati di Tivo

A 65 km long cycling race course through the Teramo moutains. This race leads from the capital of Aprutium to the highest peaks of the Apennines through untouched ...

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Religious event (2)

Festivities in honour of the Madonna del Ponte

The people of Montorio are quite devoted to this Madonna, who is considered to be the protector of the town and is celebrated every year on her “dies natalis”, ...

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Pilgrimage to the hermitage of Santa Colomba

The small church dedicated to Santa Colomba stands near Pretara; it has a small hail form belltower where a statue of the saint eremite is kept. According ...

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Tradizioni & folklore (1)

The “Insegna” dance

Every year on the 23 rd of September at midday, after the religious rites dedicated to the Virgin Maria Santissima della Misericordia, patron of the town, a ...

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Teramo Turismo

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