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Good Friday Procession

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The “Good Friday Procession” is an old religious tradition in Campli and it was organized for centuries by Confraternities very widespread in all the region. Procession is still celebrated with great devotion and popular participation and it is included into the penitential rite of the Shrine of Holy Stairs, near the Church of St. Paul (in Campli), until  the XVIII century, dedicated to the “Virgin Mary of the Seven Sorrows”.

The statue of Our Lady of Sorrows comes out from this church, with an impressive ceremony. In the main square receives the Dead Christ.

Popular piety elaborated on this Madonna of Seven Sorrows (in Jewish  tradition seven is an holy number, symbol of fullness).

The Confraternity of the Sacred Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi, located in St. Paul, had for centuries as part of its activities to organize for the entire community of the territory of Campli liturgical moments of the Holy Cross, Our Lady of Sorrows and Holy Week. The  Scala Santa was opened for worship in May 1776. In imitation of the Roman Lateran, was granted by Pope Clement XIV to the Confraternity of the stigmata of St. Francis. It is linked to the privilege of plenary indulgence from the third Sunday after Easter to Pentecost Monday.

Teramo Turismo

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