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Monti Gemelli Itineraries

Gole del Salinello crossing

Mappa IGM, Descrizione tecnica dell'itinerario
Difficolta' Quota massima
Escursionistico Castel Manfrino, m. 963 m.
Sviluppo Durata
6500.0 m. 05:00:00
Salita160 m.
Discesa459 m.
Totale619 m.
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The excursion starts from the town of Macchia da Sole (910 mt.) and crosses the nature of the Gole del Salinello combining history, culture and nature between the two sides of the Gemelli mountains. An easy mule trail leads you to the medieval fortifications of Castel Manfrino, beyond which the trail continues towards the Gole. Once you reach the Hermitage of S. Francesco alle Scalelle, you descend until the end of the Salinello torrent where the rock walls get narrower and create a most suggestive area.

At this point you cross the river, and exit the cliff area on a trail that brings you to Grotte S. Angelo, used by man in the Palaeolithic age. Past the hermitage you reach the inhabited area of Ripe di Civitella (611 mt), the access point to the Park.

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