The Bartolomei Chapel

Tipologia: Art
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Museo De Bartolomei
Direttore: _ Indirizzo: Piazza della Libertà - Giulianova - 64021
Phone: +39.085.8021215
Fax: 085.8021215

On the Piazza della Libertà in Giulianova paese stands an elegant family chapel executed according to the layouts of the late architect Lupi from Teramo.

From the entry a narrow vestibule leads to a small room covered by a cupola and a low lantern. Behind the altar some steps remain from what used to lead to the former posterior entrance of to chapel.

This monument was commissioned by the engineer Gaetano de' Bartolomei in honour of his uncle Angelo Antonio Cosimo de' Bartolomei, an archaeologist, poet, historian and economist. The inside has been adorned with three beautiful marble artworks. Executed by a great artist, native of  Giulianova, Raffaello Pagliacetti.

    Orari e biglietti
    Periodo Orario
    From Monday to Friday: 09.00-12.00 / 15.30-18.00
    July and August
    From Wendesday to Sunday: 21.00-23.00
    Prezzo Condizione